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Undergraduates Annual Awards Ceremony

5 Jun 2024
Pictured: Una Farrell & Bernadette Boyle

The Dental School and Hospital held their Annual Awards Ceremony on 30 May 2024. This event celebrates the acheivements and successes of our undergraduate students in Bachelor in Dental Surgery, Diploma in Dental Hygiene and Diploma in Dental Nursiing programmes. 

The event was atttended by students, their families, staff, distinguished guests and sponsors.  Prof Stephen Byrne, Vice President and Registrar gave an opening address and emphasised the importance of the whole dental team working together for excellent patient care. We were honoured to have the Registrar of the Dental Council, Mr David O'Flynn; Dr Nadar Farvardin, Assistant National Oral Health Lead, Dr Will Rymer, President of the Irish Dental Association and Mr Martin O'Sullivan Treasurer of the Orthodontic Society of Ireland make speeches and award their sponsored prizes.

A full list of award winners can be found here: Annual Awards 2024

A big thank you to all our sponsors who without their support this event would not be possible! 

3M Ireland Ltd
JB Tough Dental Ltd
Noel Hartigan JNH
Irish Dental Association IDA Nobel Biocare
Ardagh Dental
Henry Schein
Irish Dental Council
Kerr Dental
American Association of Endodontists Medray Dental
Irish Association of Oral Surgery Menepa
Irish Dental Hygienist Association Accuscience

For more on this story contact:

Catherine Nevin


Cork University Dental School & Hospital

Wilton, Cork, Ireland,
