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Civil Engineer youngest ever woman nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year

16 Aug 2015

Catherine O'Neill leads a 50-employee company, Amelio Utilities, specialising in 'no-dig' drainage solutions which she founded in 2012 while she was still studying Civil Engineering at Queens University Belfast.

At 26, she is the youngest-ever female nominee for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. Her company, which operates in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland offers drainage repair services, high-pressure cleaning, pollution treatment and sewer cleansing, including CCTV drainage inspection surveys. Amelio has recently acquired a company in Gloucester, England and has a turnover of €3m per annum. Catherine established the company in 2012 in preference to emigrating to Dubai or Australia. Amelio is an innovative company which employs a large number of Civil Engineering graduates relative to its size.

Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Innealtóireacht Shibhialta agus Timpeallachta

University College Cork, Cork
