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News 2015

Climate change research

18 Nov 2015

A BEES scientist has recently published an important review paper on the impact of climate change on biological systems.

Dr Tom Reed, together with US and Australian colleagues published a paper in Science this week on the effect of climate change on marine vertebrates. You can read the full paper here as well as the full special edition of Science on climate change here.

Dr Reed was on RTE Radio One's "Mooney Goes Wild" recently to talk about his research. You can listen to the programme here (interview starts at 40 min 30 seconds).

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

An Scoil Eolaíochtaí Bitheolaíocha, Domhaneolaíocha agus Comhshaoil

Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland , T23 N73K.
