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News 2015

BEES celebrates the launch of iCRAG

10 Dec 2015
iCRAG launch - left to right: Prof Orla Feely (UCD VP Research, Innovation & Impact), Prof. Mark Fergusson (Chief Scientific Advisor to the Government), Damien English TD (Minister of State at the Departments of Education and Skills & the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation), Prof. John Walsh (iCRAG Director), Prof. Andy Wheeler (UCC, iCRAG co-PI), Prof. Anita Maguire (UCC VP Research & Innovation) & Dr. Richard Unitt (UCC/iCRAG, PD).

BEES are delighted to be part of the new €17.8 m iCRAG centre (Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences) which was launched in Dublin last week.

iCRAG works closely with industry to underpin exploration of Ireland’s sub-surface for energy, mineral and water resources.

Speaking at the announcement, Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, Damien English TD, said, “A key part of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs is to continue to build on the major achievements in scientific research with a focus on turning great ideas into good, sustainable jobs. iCRAG is an exciting new research centre that will help nurture real collaboration across industry and academia in Geosciences in Ireland. It will support increased commercialisation of research which will ultimately grow jobs and support further participation in the STEM sector”

Prof Mark Ferguson, Director General of Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland added, “The launch of this new Science Foundation Ireland Research centre, iCRAG, is a key development in Ireland’s Geoscience research. Ireland is home to Europe’s largest zinc mine, untapped hydrocarbon resources in challenging North East Atlantic deep water environments, and diverse geological formations. The iCRAG centre will carry out research to find and harness these resources whilst protecting the environment.”

“The Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre programme, of which iCRAG is a participant, represents the largest ever state and industry co-funded research investment in Ireland. The programme is supporting an investment of €355 million from SFI matched by €190 million from industry in twelve world class Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres of excellence and scale.”

For more on the iCRAG launch see here.

The launch was covered by RTE News. See here for coverage.


School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

An Scoil Eolaíochtaí Bitheolaíocha, Domhaneolaíocha agus Comhshaoil

Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland , T23 N73K.
