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President's Athena SWAN Alumni Symposium (March 8th)

15 Mar 2018

As part of Equality Week, we celebrated International Women’s Day on Thursday, March 8th with our inaugural annual President’s Athena SWAN Alumni Symposium, in Devere Hall, 2 – 5 p.m.


This was an opportunity for the university to engage with our alumni and the wider community to collectively reflect on and discuss challenges and opportunities in promoting equality, on campus and beyond.   We were delighted to host the symposium, and to welcome our two keynote speakers, both UCC alumni, Prof. Linda Doyle, TCD and Dr. Caitriona Ni Laoire, UCC.  A diverse range of panellists lead lively and engaging discussions (see programme below for speaker information).  The event was open to all.

The event was live-streamed, and footage is available to view here.

President's Athena SWAN Alumni Symposium Programme

Athena SWAN

G01 EDI Unit,South Lodge,
