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EU Mies Young Talent (YTAA) Student Awards 2023: FINALISTS

23 May 2023
Left: Peripheral Cartographies - Laura Hurley Right: Lost Landscapes - Calum Gallogley , Anthony Keniry , James Stack

EU Mies Young Talent (YTAA) Student Awards 2023: FINALISTS Announcement

EU Mies Young Talent (YTAA) Student Awards 2023: FINALISTS Announcement

Delighted to announce that 2 projects from the Master of Architecture Course at CCAE (UCC/MTU) have been shortlisted for the prestigious EU Mies van der Rohe “Young Talent Architecture Award” (YTAA) EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award

Laura Hurley
“Peripheral Cartographies”

Calum Gallogley, Anthony Keniry, James Stack
“Lost Landscapes”

Organised by Fundació Mies van der Rohe Fundació Mies van der Rohe , “Young Talent aims to support the talent of recently graduated Architects, Urban
Planners and Landscape Architects, who will be responsible for transforming our environment in the future.”

The 2 projects were part of the “Islands Unknown” Studio (2020.2021) and “Island Imaginaries” Studio (2021.2022) - where we wanted to define new problematics associated with these fragile Island terrains - prompting different ways to engage these distinct ecosystems.

Reading islands as the paradigmatic topos that exist across children’s literature, mythology, theology, utopian and cultural treatises, it brought us into contact with themes of enchantment/ atonement/ fantasy/ despondency/

Centre for Architectural Education

Ionad Oideachais Ailtireachta Chorcaí

Douglas Street, Cork , T12 AD7R
