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CCAE 2023 Summer Exhibition - Photo Gallery

30 May 2023
CCAE 2023 Summer Exhibition featuring work by Year 4 CCAE student, Conor Ryan. Photographs by Niamh Hurley

Photographic gallery of CCAE's 2023 Summer Exhibition 

On Thursday 26th May at 6pm, Cork Centre for Architectural Education opened their annual summer exhibition of student works to the public. Work from all five years was on display. Congratulations to all final year BSc (Hons) Architecture students in particular as it is their last exhibition of their undergraduate degree. Big thanks to all CCAE staff and students involved in the set-up and organisation of the exhibition. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for all those who stopped by and celebrated with us!


The exhibition remains open by appointment until 31st May 2023 by contacting Gerry McCarthy via email ( or phone (+353 (0)21 420 5676).


Below is a photographic series of snapshots taken by CCAE staff member Niamh Hurley during the exhibition opening night. More can be viewed here


Centre for Architectural Education

Ionad Oideachais Ailtireachta Chorcaí

Douglas Street, Cork , T12 AD7R
