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Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience researchers host two exciting events this week to mark Brain Awareness Week 2023

13 Mar 2023
Dr Sarah Nicolas and PhD student Patricia Flynn preparing for Brain Awareness Week

Dr Sarah Nicolas and PhD student Patricia Flynn, will host two exciting events for Brain Awareness Week. A scientific discussion chat on this Thursday 16th March in the UCC Staff Common Room, and a fun day of brain science and fun activities for children on Saturday March 18th in G.04 Western Gateway Building. Brain awareness for all at these two events! 

The events organised by Patricia and Sarah offer exciting opportunities for the public as well as staff students and their families to join researchers in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience to explore brain function health and disease at these two very accessible events. Book early to avoid disappointment!

Open Discussion Evening

The first event an Open Science Discussion evening will take place this Thursday 16th March from 16:30 until 19:30 in the UCC Staff Common Room. Join Dr Sarah Nicolas and Patricia Flynn and senior research staff and Principal Investigators from the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience for a relaxed questions and answers and discussion evening. This event is a is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in Brain health to chat with some of the leaders in the fields of Neuroscience, who specialise in areas such as Parkinson's, brain aging, brain injury, brain cancer, the gut–microbiota–brain axis.

Read more at their events website

Tickets are limited: Book your place here to join the Open Discussion Evening


Family Outreach Day

The Second Event the Family Outreach Day takes place on Saturday 18th March 2023 10:30am until 4:00pm Room G.04 Western Gateway Building

Children and Families are welcome to join Patricia and Sarah and research students and staff from the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience for a fun day of games and brain activities. They will have variety of activities; memory card games, microscope display, a range of neuroscience-themed games, and lots of fun planned to suit children of all ages. 

  • Microscope display to observe brain cells in different brain regions and understand their function. 
  • Brain and cells models
  • Jigsaw puzzle
  • Memory card game
  • Create your own brain hat!
  • Mirror Drawing

The workshops will be interactive and engaging, with hands-on activities and demonstrations that will give children and their parents a fun opportunity to learn about the brain and make and take home your own brain-hat!

Read more at their events website

Book your place here to join the fun at the Family Outreach day


Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign that aims to raise awareness about the importance of brain health and neuroscience research.

The campaign is held annually in March, this year between the 13th-19th of March, and involves a series of events and activities that promote public education and engagement in brain-related topics.

The goal of Brain Awareness Week is to increase public awareness about the brain, how it works, and how it can be affected by disease, injury, and other factors. By promoting education and understanding about the brain, the campaign aims to encourage individuals to take steps to protect and maintain their brain health.

Through Brain Awareness Week, individuals can learn about the latest advances in brain research and discover strategies for promoting brain health and preventing brain-related illnesses. The campaign also aims to inspire young people to pursue careers in neuroscience and other brain-related fields, helping to ensure a bright future for brain research and discovery.


Event Flyers: Brice Cortadi 

Photographs and news item: B.Riedewald


Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
