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Celebrating International Women's Day 2023 Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

10 Mar 2023

Professor Aideen Sullivan, Head of Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, gathered together with over 40 female colleagues working in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience on Wednesday 8th March 2023 to celebrate International Women's Day 2023.  


At an event inspired by Dr Harriet Schellekens to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023, and organised by Bereniece Riedewald, staff in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience were invited to Afternoon Tea in the Western Gateway Building following a photograph of the female staff.

A very international group of 45 women working in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience gathered for the photograph, with American, Brazilian, Canadian, Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Indian, Irish, Italian, Nigerian, Pakistani, Romanian, Russian and Spanish nationalities represented. The highly accomplished female staff included Neuroscience Professors, Senior Lecturers, College Lecturers, Administration Staff, Chief Technical Officer, Senior Technical Officers, Senior Medical Demonstrators, Postdoctoral Researchers, Postgraduate Students and Visiting Research Students.

Professor Aideen Sullivan, Head of Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, welcomed all staff and to celebrate International Women’s Day paid special tribute to the female staff saying

‘It is a pleasure to work with such a collaborative group and lovely to get together to celebrate our success’.

The aim of the International Women’s Day 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to get the world talking about why equal opportunities aren't enough. 

People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action. Equity can be defined as giving everyone what they need to be successful. In other words, it's not giving everyone the exact same thing. If we give everyone the exact same thing, expecting that will make people equal, it assumes that everyone started out in the same place - and this can be vastly inaccurate because everyone isn't the same. 

However, equity-based solutions take into account the diverse lived experiences of individuals and communities, adapting services and policies according to these differences.

Equity is a long-term and sustainable solution and is a process for addressing imbalanced social systems.

Back row from left: Dr Kirsten Dowling, Ms Maria Giovanna Caruso, Ms Minke Nota, Professor Yvonne Nolan, Ms Zoe Williams, Ms Fionnuala Wilson, Ms Clara Deady, Ms Rebekah Bevans, Ms Nikki van Munsteren, Dr Audrey Dempsey, Ms Shelley O'Shea, Ms Cristiana  Pareo, Ms Caoimhe Lynch, Dr Frederike Uhling, Ms Joan Omosefe Osayande, Dr Sarah Nicolas, Dr Lorena Moraes Garcia, Dr Sue Grenham, Ms Melanie Depret, Ms Suzanne Crotty, Ms Eva Bouffard, Ms Cristina Cuesta Marti, Dr Valentine Turpin, Ms Laia Ascaso Videl, Dr Thieza Melo, Ms Bereniece Riedewald.  Mid row from left: Ms Ketki Prashant Mulay, Dr Rebecca  Henry, Dr Ruth Kelleher, Dr Andreea Factor Dr Jane  English, Ms Tara  Foley, Dr Martina  Mazzocchi, Dr Anna  Goubleva, Dr Begona Muguerza, Dr Maria Rodriguez Aburto, Ms Emily Knox, Ms Patricia Flynn, Ms Maria Rosaria  Cuozzo. Front row from left: Dr Louise Collins, Dr Mutahira Lone, Dr Harriet Schellekens, Professor Aideen Sullivan, Dr Siobhain O'Mahony, Ms Aisling Noone.  

For more on this story contact:

Photograph and news story Bereniece Riedewald

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
