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Research and Events

Call for papers

14 Jun 2023

We are delighted to announce a call for papers for a one-day workshop on Monday, 4th September 2023 in University College Cork, Ireland.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together experienced and ECR researchers across interdisciplinary approaches related to Transnational Mobility in Higher Education, Residence Abroad and language learning, as the new Transnational Mobility in Education Network (TramE), facilitated by the support of EuroSLA.

The workshop will take the format of:

  • An invited keynote speaker
  • three thematic panels
  • a Pecha Kucha session for doctoral students

The event will be held in person, but will provide livestream/online access for the plenary talk, a Pecha Kucha ECR networking session and the closing discussion.

We welcome abstracts for 10-minute oral presentations and 5-minute Pecha Kucha presentations. Priority will be given to ECRs and doctoral students.

We are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker will be Prof Carmen Pérez Vidal, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.


Submissions are invited on topics loosely planned around three themes – language, identity, and implications for practice, including but not restricted to:

  •  Language acquisition and language practice during RA
  •  Linguistic diversity in RA
  •  Language contact during RA 
  •  Identity and individual differences in RA
  •  Plurilingualism in RA
  •  Future of international mobility
  •  Virtual mobility
  • Turning research and practice into impact 


Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (not including references), with up to 5 keywords to situate your topic and preferred theme.

• Please submit your abstract via this online form (TraMe workshop - abstract submission form (

• Submission deadline: 23:59 (Irish/UK time) on Friday 30 June 2023

• Acceptance will be notified on Monday 17th July 2023

• Registration via Eventbrite (link issued on acceptance) 

Registration costs

  • 25 euros for salaried staff; free for doctoral students or ECRs with no funding/stipend, and for online attendance 


9.00 Registration, coffee

9.45 Welcome and opening comments

10.00 First Themed Panel - three 10-minute talks and interactive Q&A

10.45 Short break 11.15 Second Panel (format as before)

12.00 Lunch, move venue

13.00 Keynote talk (1 hour including Q&A) – also to be livestreamed

14.00 Short break 14.10 ECR Pecha Kucha - for doctoral ECRs, with discussants; online link to breakout room for those attending online

14.50 Coffee Break

15.10 Third Panel

15.50 Short break

16:00 Round Table Q&A, and discussion for future plans – also to be livestreamed

16.30 Finish 


Any questions about submissions should be emailed to Dr Anne Marie Devlin (; Dr Annarita Magliacane ( or Dr Clare Wright (

