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OVPLT News & Events

Valuing Ireland’s Teaching and Learning (VIT&L) Week will run from 8 to 12 November 2021. Regional events across the sector will continue until 30 November.

8 Nov 2021
From National Forum for Teaching and Learning website

Registration for VITAL Week is now open.

Join us for Valuing Ireland’s Teaching and Learning (VIT&L) Week

Join us from Monday 8 to Friday 12 November 2021 to share and learn with the Irish higher education community as it considers how we value teaching and learning and explore what the future of education will look like for the students of tomorrow. VIT&L Week is co-ordinated by the National Forum, in partnership with students and those who teach, lead and support learning across the Irish higher education community. It marks the start of a focus on valuing teaching and learning that will extend to Tuesday 30 November 2021.

View Registration and Programme

The Scholarship Hour and Gasta Marathon
Running daily from 12:30-13:30 as a webinar, the Scholarship Hour will provide an opportunity to share teaching and learning scholarship, enhancement innovations, findings and insights, and prompt further conversations among those who teach and learn.

Click here to register

The VIT&L Scholarship Poster Showcase

The VIT&L Scholarship Poster Showcase will feature over 70 posters submitted as the sector’s response to the VIT&L Scholarship Call. There will be two Poster Showcases during VIT&L week- the first on Wednesday 10 November 2021 and second on Friday 12 November 2021.

Click here to register

Showcasing Research from National Forum Fellows

Scholarship Hour participants will also have the opportunity to hear the initial research findings in a the Inaugural National Forum Teaching and Learning Research Fellows and what implications they might have for teaching and learning in higher education.
Click here to register

Ministerial Launch of Next Steps Report and Findings

As the project lead, the National Forum is delighted to announce that Simon Harris TD, the Minister for Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science will officially launch the report and findings from the national sectoral partnership project- Next Steps for Teaching and Learning: Moving Forward Together. The overarching aim of the ‘Next Steps’ project is to address the question, in the context of COVID-19, ‘What have we learnt and what does it mean for the future of teaching and learning in Irish higher education?’
Click here to register

VIT&L Events

The Irish higher education community  will also host a range of  VIT&L Events, to highlight the value of teaching and learning within their own institutional, project or disciplinary contexts and to consider how the value of teaching and learning can be strengthened into the future. VIT&L events organised by programme teams, discipline groups, schools, institutions and national groups across Irish higher education will run from 8-30 November 2021. The VIT&L events calendar including links to all VIT&L Events is available here.


National Forum for Teaching and Learning

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
