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OVPLT News & Events

Transforming Assessment Practices in Large Enrolment First Year Education

23 Sep 2019
Colleagues from Palestinian HEIs and TAP consortium members meet with Professor Patrick O’ Shea during their visit to UCC in May 2019

As part of their work on the TAP (Transforming Assessment Practices in Large Enrolment First Year Education) Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project, CIRTL were delighted to welcome a delegation of senior management representatives from several Palestinian universities and the Accreditation & Quality Committee to UCC in May 2019.

The purpose of the visit was to share relevant UCC policies and practices related to learning, teaching, and assessment. The experience gained during this visit served as a catalyst for the creation of a Guideline Policy Document, which will guide and assist academic staff in assessing student learning in Palestine. The Guideline Policy Document was presented to the Minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research during the final dissemination workshop in Birzeit University on September 7th 2019. 150 university administrators, university teachers, university students from Palestinian universities in Gaza and the West Bank attended the workshop. Dr Marian McCarthy gave the keynote speech at this event on using new assessment for/as learning paradigms to empower learners and coach them to become independent, self-regulated learners.

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
