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OVPLT News & Events

The OVPLT eNewsletter is available now, we hope you will enjoy reading this edition.

22 Feb 2021
John Fitzgerald, Boole Library examines Book of Lismore

Welcome to the winter edition of the OVPLT eNewsletter. The challenge of working from home and balancing work and home life has certainly not dampened the enthusiasm and dedication of our colleagues across the University. This edition is packed full of stories of achievement, commitment and optimism.

OVPLT eNewsletter Winter 2021

The annual Staff Recognition Awards were held virtually for the first time, on 8th October 2020 and four Awards for Excellence in Teaching were presented. UCC prides itself on being a student-centred university. This awards scheme recognises the outstanding efforts of teaching staff to ensure that UCC students receive the highest quality learning and teaching experience. All UCC students, staff and alumni were invited to submit nominations for these awards. The successful nominees for 2020 were Professor Louise Crowley, School of Law, Dr Gerard McGlacken, School of Chemistry, Dr Katharina Swirak, Department of Sociology and Criminology, Dr Sharon Lambert and Dr Angela Veale, School of Applied Psychology (Team Award). In this edition, some of the awardees
discuss their research and award winning teaching projects. More stories from awardees to follow in the next edition.

We hope you enjoy reading this Newsletter and would like to thank all our contributors
across the OVPLT and the wider university, for further information or feedback, please
contact Jacqui at


Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
