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OVPLT News & Events

The Office of the Vice-President for Learning & Teaching (OVPLT) is seeking funding applications under UCC’s Learning, Teaching & Assessment Enhancement Fund 2021.

23 Apr 2021
Funding opportunity

This Fund offers grants of up to a maximum of €2,000 per application.  Its purpose is to provide opportunities for developmental activities which enhance teaching, learning and assessment and support UCC’s Academic Strategy 2018-22 and UCC 2022: Delivering a Connected University.  

Applications can be made in any field of teaching, learning and assessment theory and practice, but are particularly encouraged in the areas of: 

  • Assessment and feedback 
  • Collaborative learning, including groupwork  
  • ‘Student as partners’ e.g. student engagement in co-creation of curricula, and in peer assessment  
  • Embedding digital skills 
  • Learning spaces 
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) 
  • Embedding research in the curriculum 
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning 


Please read the attached Information & Guidelines document before applying.  The application form is also attached.

LTA Enhancement Fund Guidelines 2021

LTA Enhancement Fund Application form 2021

Completed applications must be submitted electronically to before/on the deadline of Monday 10th May 2021. Please submit one email only per application. 

Please send any queries on the above to

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
