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Useful Links

  •  UCC Support Services:

This Support Tree provides links to UCC Support Services available to students.


  •  External Support Services:

Alcohol and Drugs  Information and support for drug and alcohol misuse.

Addiction Support  Information and support for family and friends of people with problem alcohol or drug use.

Eating Disorders  Provides guidance for people affected by eating disorders.

LGBTI+  Support and information for people who are LGBTI+  Information and reporting processes regarding online intimate images and videos, xenophobia and racist abuse.

Mental Health  Information about mental health, mental wellbeing and urgent help.

Sexual Assault  Support and information about sexual assault and consent.

Sexual Wellbeing  Support and information about contraception, unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Relationship Abuse  Support for those experiencing violence or abuse in their relationship.


Student Counselling & Development

Comhairleoireacht agus Forbairt na Mac Léinn
