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Academic Certification

Three graduates standing in the UCC courtyard.

Helping you reach the next step of your career!

Transcripts and Statements

Please ensure that you include the correct postal address when requesting certification.


Document Type Document Description and Cost How to request Document
Academic Transcripts An Academic Transcript lists your complete academic history: programmes attended, a breakdown of marks/grades achieved in each module, the degree awarded, your overall grade, conferring date, and awards/scholarships, if applicable.

€15 per copy.

Allow 2-3 weeks for processing.

Online form


Qualification Statement A Qualification Statement lists the qualification(s) you have been awarded, the level of award(s), and the conferring date(s).

No charge.

Allow 5 to 7 working days for processing.

Only requests submitted through this form will be processed.

Qualification Statement Request Form

Select Documentation /Certification Requests -> Qualification Statement

Diploma Supplement 

The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international ‘transparency’ and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended.

**Only requests submitted after Date of Conferring will be processed.**

No charge.

Allow 5 to 7 working days for processing.

Only requests submitted through this form will be processed.

Diploma Supplement Request Form

Select Documentation /Certification Requests -> Diploma Supplement


Stamp 1G Letter

This letter will contain the information required for Stamp 1G purposes i.e. Confirmation of eligibility for graduation and the release date of your final results.  Please note that these letters can be issued on request only after your complete and final results are formally released. See Results release dates.

Currently, these letters are issued in pdf format only but you must present a printed copy of this pdf to Immigration.

Order your Stamp 1G visa application and we will send a copy to your address.

Note: Sending multiple requests for Stamp 1G letters will delay the response time. This includes sending duplicates of your request by email or by phone.

Irish Residential Permit (IRP) renewal letter

This is an official letter detailing your Registration for the academic year and includes your Attendance Record. This will also state if your Fees are in order for the academic year, provided sufficient fees are paid, or the Fees office have received notification of your funding for the year.

Please note, a pdf copy is currently accepted by Immigration and is valid for one week only from date of issue. However, you must bring a printed copy of the pdf to your appointment with Immigration.

If you would like to request an IRP renewal letter, please submit your request below and upload your appointment.  We will send this to your address 7 days in advance of your appointment date.

You can also request a hard copy and in this case, we will send an email to your UCC email address when it is ready for collection.

Order your IRP renewal letter here

Replacement Degree Parchments

The National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 issue replacement Degree Parchments on payment of a €50 fee.

Student Records and Examinations Office

Taifid na Mac Léinn agus Scrúduithe

First Floor West Wing, University College Cork, Co. Cork, T12 K8AF

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