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UCC Student Forum

The UCC Student Forum, established in 2022, is an exercise in deliberative and participatory democracy that puts students at the heart of important strategic and policy issues facing UCC as a community.

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Key Principles

The UCC Student Forum will follow six key principles while undertaking its work:

1. Openness

At all times the Student Forum will operate with transparency. All plenary meetings will be broadcast live via YouTube. Decisions and all documentation will be freely available.

2. Fairness

It is important that we allow the full spectrum of views to be heard on every issue and that our briefing material for Forum members is of the highest quality.

3. Equality of voice

Each member of the Forum will be given an opportunity to voice their opinions, should they so choose.

4. Efficiency

The Student Forum will make best use of our limited time together so as to cover all the topics. All documentation is circulated in advance so members can properly prepare for meetings.

5. Respect

It is important that members can freely and confidently make contributions and express their views without fear of personal attacks or criticism.

6. Collegiality

We will work together in a spirit of friendship.

Student Experience Office

The Hub, University College Cork,
