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Indigenous Activism in Brazil

13 May 2021

May 13th 2021 – Online

First session on our Cycle on Land Defenders

This seminar analyses processes of cultural activism and networked solidarity in the context of two different Guarani communities in Brazil. The event will be structured around a conversation between Eliseu Pereira Lopes, spokesperson and leader of the Aty Guasu, and Thiago Karai, leader of the Guarani Yvyrupa Commission. Both speakers will deal with issues of land ownership and environmental justice before and during pandemic times. The event will examine the history of the Guarani communities and their attempts to adapt their struggle for social justice to current circumstances.


Este seminário analisa processos de ativismo cultural e solidariedade em rede no contexto de duas comunidades Guarani no Brasil. O evento proporcionará uma oportunidade para o intercambio de idéias entre Eliseu Pereira Lopes, representante e Lider do Aty Guasu, e Thiago Karai, líder da comissão Guarani Yvyrupa. Ambos palestrantes abordarão questões relativas à propriedade da terra e justiça meio ambiental antes e durante a pandemia. O evento analisará a história das comunidades Guarani, focando nos seus esforços por adaptar a luta pela justiça social às circunstancias atuais.


Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

First Floor - Block B East O'Rahilly Building University College Cork Ireland
