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Memory and the Body in Contemporary Catalan Documentary Cinema 1st Documentary Film

16 Jan 2015

Monday January 19th – Kane Building B10A – 18:00 h

The Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies is delighted to present the first documentary film of the series:


Memory and the Body in Contemporary Catalan Documentary Cinema


La vieja memoria

Jaime Camino (1977)

(Movie in Spanish & Catalan with Spanish subtitles)

La vieja memoria

Only a year after Spanish dictator Francisco Franco’s death, Jaime Camino finished this unique documentary film spanning from 1931 until the end of the Civil war on 1939. To the images of that period, the director added interviews made to several of the most important political figures of that decade, together with citizens that suffered that terrible tragedy in their own skin.

Some of the interviewees are Federica Montseny, anarchist militant and Health Minister in 1936, Enrique Líster, communist and head of the Republican Popular Army, David Jato, activist of the Falange Española (Spanish Fascist Party) and Dolores Ibarruri “La Pasionaria”.


Jaime Camino

Spanish filmmaker Jaime Camino specialized in films about the Spanish Civil War. These include “España Otra Vez/Spain Again” (1968) and “Las Largas Vacaciones del 36/The Long Holidays of '36” (1976). Before debuting as a director, Camino studied music and law and wrote film reviews in the mid-'60s. Camino made his feature-film debut with “Los Felices 60/The Happy Sixties” (1963).


All welcome.

Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

First Floor - Block B East O'Rahilly Building University College Cork Ireland
