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Friday Argentina since the 2001 Crisis - BOOK LAUNCH

16 Sep 2014


The first event of the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies annual seminar series celebrates the publication of "Argentina Since the 2001 Crisis: Recovering the Past, Reclaiming the Future" (edited by Cara Levey, Daniel Ozarow and Christopher Wylde) - Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. The event will be held at University College Cork on Friday 19th September at 15.30 in the O'Rahilly Building, Seminar Room 1.23 (First Floor). Session will be chaired By Patrick Crowley from UCC.

All welcome.

About the Book:

Bringing together contributions from both emerging and established scholars, this volume explores the myriad effects and legacies of Argentina's 2001-02 social, economic and political implosion and is unique in its interrogation of the nature and effects of crisis. It seeks to reject false dichotomies of 'old' and 'new'; instead synthesizing them in order to incorporate both elements of continuity and elements of change into its analysis. The authors assert that responses to crisis do not only involve the merging of old and new, but that they are also, concurrently responses to both old and new problems - many of which were evident in the 1990s and earlier. Crisis is shown to manifest itself in a number of realms - political, economic, social - and the responses to it and associated recovery are thus analyzed and interpreted through a myriad of lenses in order to adequately capture the nature of the salient dynamics that are present within them. In this way, the volume seeks to adopt a more nuanced approach to analyzing Argentina since 2001 as well as crisis more generally.

Please see Palgrave website for more information about the publication The book was launched in Argentina over the summer and generated significant media interest and debate.

There will be a presentation by the editors on the crisis in Argentina over a decade since the largest sovereign debt default in history. The editors will reflect on lessons for Europe from Argentina. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A and refreshments.

Please email (Cara Levey at UCC) for more information about this event.

Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

First Floor - Block B East O'Rahilly Building University College Cork Ireland
