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International Women's Day 2020!

24 Feb 2020
Award-winning Film by Jan Haaken

Women's Studies and Department of Sociology & Criminology are delighted to invite you to a screening of the award-winning film 'OUR BODIES OUR DOCTORS' followed by a panel discussion with the director, Professor Janice Haaken,  Emily Waszak (Migrants & Ethnic-minorities for Reproductive Justice, MERJ) and Dr. Joan McCarthy (Healthcare Ethics, School of Nursing & Midwifery UCC) in honour of International Women's Day 2020.

Thursday March 5th 2020

5 - 7 pm

Geography Lecture Theatre (C_GG_LT), Donovan's Road, UCC.

(Please join us for refreshments afterwards)


"When I took on this documentary project, i was struck by how little people knew - even those that are pro-choice -  about what's actually involved in abortion care. What I found in making OUR BODIES OUR DOCTORS was a quiet rebellion in the field of medicine led by a new generation of progressive physicians fighting religious control over healthcare. The providers in the film take up difficult quiestions: How do they deal with the emotional and political aspects of abortion? What makes second term abortions medically and emotionally challenging, for the providers themselves and for their women patients? Therse are areas where pro-choice films have previously not ventured, But the providers featured in this film - and many of their patientes are bold and brave enough to take us there." - Jan Haaken, Director.



Department of Sociology & Criminology

Socheolaíocht & Coireolaíocht

Askive, Donovan's Road, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, T12 DT02
