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Avowing Unemployment: Confessional Jobseeker Interviews and Professional CVs

1 Jul 2021
Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

Congratulations to Dr. Tom Boland on the recent publication of his article on contemporary welfare processes!

While contemporary welfare processes have widely been analysed through the concepts of governmentality and pastoral power, this article diagnoses the dimension of confession or avowal within unemployment, job seeking and CV writing. This argument draws together the threads of Foucault’s work on confession within disciplinary institutions, around sexuality and genealogies of monasticism, adding the insights of writers in ‘economic theology’. 

Download article Boland, T. Avowing Unemployment: Confessional Jobseeker Interviews and Professio

 or here: Avowing Unemployment Foucault Studies

Department of Sociology & Criminology

Socheolaíocht & Coireolaíocht

Askive, Donovan's Road, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, T12 DT02
