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Rafts of Translations: Digital Horizons

23 Mar 2018

Dr Tom Cheesman, from Swansea University, will be with us on Friday the 23rd of March to give a workshop of the use of digital and corpus tools to analyse multi-retranslations and a seminar about his work in the area, which includes Vision Variation Visualisation, a multilingual crowdsourcing of Shakespeare’s Othello. 

Dr Tom Cheesman, from Swansea University, will be with us on Friday the 23rd of March to give a workshop of the use of digital and corpus tools to analyse multi-retranslations and a seminar about his work in the area, which includes Vision Variation Visualisation, a multilingual crowdsourcing of Shakespeare’s Othello. 

For those who would like to bring their own corpus to the workshop, please read the following instructions. A sample corpus will be provided to those who don’t have their own.

The workshop will take place from 12-2 and the seminar will start at 4pm, both in 1.24. All welcome.

We hope to see you there!

School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Teangacha, Litríochtaí agus Cultúir

College Road, Cork
