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Stage Presence: Marguerite Duras and the Theatre

6 Nov 2014
Stage Presence: Marguerite Duras and the Theatre

On 21 and 22 November 2014, UCC will welcome a group of international scholars to celebrate the centenary of the birth of French writer Marguerite Duras (1914-1996).

Keynote speakers : 

Michelle Porte, whose film Savannah Bay, c’est toi documents the rehearsal process for Savannah Bay, directed by Duras at the Théâtre du Rond-Point, Paris, in 1983, with Madeleine Renaud and Bulle Ogier.

Professor Lib Taylor, Department of Film, Theatre and Television, University of Reading, who has created mises en scène for both L’Éden Cinéma and Savannah Bay, and who has published ground-breaking work on Duras’s theatre.

Joëlle Pagès-Pindon, Duras scholar and co-editor of Volumes III and IV of the Pléiade edition of the complete works of Marguerite Duras.

On 21 and 22 November 2014, University College Cork will welcome a group of international scholars to celebrate the centenary of the birth of French writer Marguerite Duras (1914-1996). While Duras’s extensive output in fiction and cinema has been much examined since her death, there has been little focus on her theatre. Over two days, scholars from France, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States will bring into relief Duras’s radical contribution to the development of the languages of the stage.

For full programme, consult the website:

Contact: Dr Mary Noonan

School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Teangacha, Litríochtaí agus Cultúir

College Road, Cork
