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SPLAS Event on Hospitality

25 Mar 2019
SPLAS Event on Hospitality

Wednesday 27th of March, 10-1, O'Rahilly Building G27, UCC

UCC SPLAS cordially invites you to the following research workshop:

Unhomely places: refuge and hospitality in contested spaces

Coordinated by Dr. Helena Buffery.

Wednesday 27th of March – 10-1 – O'Rahilly Building G27, UCC

Workshop Programme:

10:00 am: Performance and Q&A session by Roksana Evelina Niewadzisz 'Stranded' (A Response to Varadas by Itziar Pascual)

11:00 am: Professor Robert Davidson (University of Toronto) "Precarious Sanctuary: Refugee Hotels Under Siege"

12:00 pm: Dr Carlos Garrido Castellano (UCC) "Hostages and Hosts in/against the Art Institution"

All Welcome!

School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Teangacha, Litríochtaí agus Cultúir

College Road, Cork
