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Italian Department Seminar - 5 p.m. Wednesday 9th March in ORB G27

4 Mar 2016
Prof. Antonia Arslan

Prof Antonia Arslan, Universita degli Studi di Padova, will present "La galassia sommersa della scrittura femminile italiana fra Ottocento e Novecento".

Antonia Arslan is an Italian writer and academic of Armenian origins. Her first novel, La masseria delle allodole (Rizzoli, 2004) appeared in English as Skylark Farm, translated by Geoffrey Brock. Drawing on the history of her own recent ancestors it tells of the attempts of the members of an Armenian family caught up in the Armenian Genocide to escape to Italy. The book was the winner of numerous awards, among them the Premio Campiello (2004). Her scholarly monographs on modern Italian literature, in particular women writers, include: Dame, droga e galline. Il romanzo popolare italiano fra Ottocento e Novecento (Padova, Cleup, 1977); and Dame, galline e regine. La scrittura femminile italiana fra '800 e '900 (Milano, 1999).
Sponsored by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Dublino and the Dept of Italian, UCC.

For more information on Antonia Arslan, see her official web page:

School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Teangacha, Litríochtaí agus Cultúir

College Road, Cork
