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Irish in Italy

7 Feb 2019
Irish in Italy

Irish in Italy Exhibition, Boole Library, UCC

The Department of Italian and CASiLaC (Centre for Advanced Studies in Languages and Cultures) warmly invite you to the inaugural lecture of the Irish in Italy exhibition:  “In Joyce’s Wake : Irish-Italian Literary connections in the early twentieth century” by Professor John McCourt (University of Macerata) Creative Zone, UCC Library at 3.30pm on Thursday 7th February.

This lecture will be followed at 4.30pm by the launch of the Irish in Italy exhibition by His Excellency Paolo Serpi and UCC President Dr. Patrick O’Shea

 Refreshments will be served.

School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Teangacha, Litríochtaí agus Cultúir

College Road, Cork
