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Guest Lecture and Book Launch - Monday 28th November 2011

11 Nov 2011

A Guest Lecture by Professor Tim Youngs and a Book Launch were held on Monday 28th November 2011.

A guest lecture of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures was held on Monday 28th November, given by:
Professor Tim Youngs
(Nottingham Trent University)
Travel Writing: ‘a genre in which I don't believe’
4.00 p.m.
Seminar Room, CACSSS Research Area, Ground Floor, Block B, O’Rahilly Building
Description: What is travel writing? How old is it? How has it changed over the years? What is its relationship to other literary genres? How culturally specific is it? How should it be studied? Is it conservative or radical? These and other questions won't be answered in the talk. But they will be posed for discussion of this most fascinating and essential of genres (if genre it be).


Biography: Professor Tim Youngs is a renowned specialist in travel writing. He is editor of the journal Studies in Travel Writing, and co-editor, with Peter Hulme, of The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing (2002) and the series ‘Routledge Research in Travel Writing’. He has published widely on British travelogues on Africa, on writing and race, and travel writing more generally.



After the talk, Professor Youngs launched: 

Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society (Legenda, 2011)


edited by Patrick Crowley, Noreen Humble and Silvia Ross


at 5.00 p.m. in the Social Area, First Floor, Block B.  

The editors gratefully acknowledge financial support for the publication by the CACSSS Research Fund and the NUI Grant towards Scholarly Publication. For more information please contact Dr Patrick Crowley [] or Dr Silvia Ross [].

School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Teangacha, Litríochtaí agus Cultúir

College Road, Cork
