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Certificate in Arts (Italian, Portuguese and Hispanic Studies)

25 Jul 2012
Certificate in Arts (Italian, Portuguese and Hispanic Studies)

Certificate in Arts (Italian)

In Teaching Periods 1 and 2 students will be required to attend lectures and language classes for the taught modules. Students take 20 credits as follows:

IT1150 Italian Language (Beginner Level) (15 credits)

IT1250 Post-Unification Italian Culture and Society (5 credits)

For more information please contact co-ordinator Dr. Mark Chu

The Certificate in Arts [Italian] will run on Thursday evenings in the 2012-2013 academic year.

Certificate in Arts (Hispanic Studies)

1 year, 4 hours/week, 20 credits of modules including Beginners language and an introduction to the rich and diverse cultures of Spain and Latin America.

For details of the modules on offer please see:

For more information please contact co-ordinator Prof Nuala Finnegan

Certificate in Arts (Portuguese)

1 year, 4 hours/week, 20 credits of modules including Beginners language and an introduction to the rich and diverse cultures of Portugal and Brazil.

For details of the modules on offer please see:

For more information please contact co-ordinator Sofia da Silva Mendes

For more information on the Certificate in Arts (Hispanic Studies and Portuguese) please see:  

For further information on the Certificate in Arts please go to:

Please download an Application Form: Application Form for Certificate in Arts

Closing date for applications (to be submitted to Admissions Office, UCC) is Monday 10th September 2012.



School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Teangacha, Litríochtaí agus Cultúir

College Road, Cork
