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CASiLaC Research Cluster Half Day Symposium

9 Mar 2017
Translation and Creative Practice

'Translation and Creative Practice' in the Library Creative Zone, UCC on Friday 10th March 2017

Half-day symposium to mark the inauguration of the research cluster Translation and Creative Practice in the Centre for Advanced Studies in Languages and Cultures (CASiLaC), School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (UCC) will be held in the Library Creative Zone, Boole Library, UCC, Friday 10th March 2017

All Welcome


2:00-2:15  Dr Martin Howard, Head of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, UCC, will deliver an opening address and inaugurate the research cluster.

2:15-3:15  Creativity and the Re-Imagining of Literary Translation

Clive Scott (Professor Emeritus of European Literature, University of East Anglia)

This paper is driven by the belief that literary translation is detrimentally inhibited by its ‘traditional’ assumptions and functions, and that it should develop supplementary forms/modes which allow it to re-define its literary purpose and endow it with a distinctive role as a diagnostic of the reading experience. The paper sets out, therefore, not only to propose what kinds of creativity are peculiar to the practice of literary translation, but also to suggest what the exercise of these creative resources entails as a re-imagining of the ambitions of literary translation.

3:15-3:30  Coffee Break

3:30-4:30  A Matter of Listening

Anna Crowe (Professional Translator)

This lecture will begin by explaining how I became a translator of Catalan poetry and my involvement in the poetry translation seminars at Farrera. It will then explore how the nature of the language affects translation and the importance of listening and reading aloud. To illustrate different aspects related to poetry translation, several case studies of poets I translated will be presented, including the work of Miquel Desclot, Anna Aguilar-Amat, Joan Margarit, Josep Lluís Aguiló (in Catalan) and Pedro Serrano (in Spanish).

4:30-5:00  Round Table Discussion

Anna Crowe and Clive Scott, in  dialogue with Mary Noonan and Martín Veiga.

5:00-6:30  Wine Reception

This event was made possible by generous financial support from CASiLaC, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University College Cork, and from the department of French and the department of Hispanic Studies, UCC

School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Teangacha, Litríochtaí agus Cultúir

College Road, Cork
