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If I knew then what I know now

Don't Look Back in Anger

3 Jan 2024
library bookshelves.

My name is Charlotte and I am a CUBS student on the MSc Sustainable Development, Agri-food and Co-Operatives programme.

I’ve just graduated from my undergraduate degree here, but since the student centre installed the oat milk coffee machine, I couldn’t resist coming back for another year of UCC...mmm mochas.  

1. Imposter Syndrome isn't real 

If you were to tell me on my first day of college 4 years ago that I’d be still in UCC, working as a postgraduate tutor while doing a masters, I wouldn’t take you seriously. When I first started college, I didn’t think I'd last the month. One could call it a severe case of imposter syndrome (much worse than freshers flu, although not spoken about and often goes untreated). College was a far cry from my small village and suddenly there were thousands of other people to compare myself to. Now, I know comparison is futile, everyone deserves the college experience and no matter your background or your grades, no one can take that away from you. 

2. Boole wouldn’t say boo to you  

The library can seem daunting in the beginning. Hence why I did absolutely not go in there until my final year of college (to be fair, online learning exasperated this avoidance). As someone who now lives in the library, I can tell you that it’s not that scary at all. It's easy to think everyone’s staring at you while you’re trying to find a plug seat, or that your converse squeaking as you walk resonates the same as a heavy metal concert, they aren't and they don’t. My advice to you if you are anxious about the library, is to get to know your favourite spot where you are most relaxed. The back of Q2 new faces out through the trees onto the quad and is a useful spot to romanticize your life while knee deep in assignments.  

3. Don’t suffer in silence 

There is a lot of emphasis in University on independent thinking and self- management. Although there is satisfaction in navigating your own way and battling through the unknown, there’s ways to save a lot of time and effort. It took me a while to learn how to balance my time between work and college, not to mind learning skills like academic writing, notetaking and paraphrasing. Looking back now, if I had used the resources available to me, such as the skills centre (plug!) I would have been able to reach my full potential a lot faster. Not only that, college is full of highs and lows and its important to ask for help when needed. Student health and counselling services are all free, no matter how small you think your problem is, don’t suffer in silence. 

4. Writer’s Block


Sometimes writing an assignment will come easy, and often times it won’t. I’ve often spent hours in front of the laptop without the cursor moving trying to figure out what the best approach is. My advice to you is to be patient, with enough research and understanding of the topic, the words will eventually come. It’s important to start your assignment early to give you enough time to sit with it a while. If the ideas do come all at once and you can’t write academically as fast as you can think, type down your thoughts in your own words before you forget them. You can always go back and write more formally afterwards, but it’s better than getting frustrated when you can’t remember where your point was going. 

5. Group Projects


Group projects are infamously known for being a roller-coaster experience filled with highs and lows. When I reflect on all the assignments of my undergrad, however, my final year group project resonates with me the most. Learning from others is so important and group projects are the perfect environment for this. I know now that group projects are less about the question in hand and more about knowing how you behave in a group setting and adjusting to the role that you feel most comfortable in. After all, life after college isn’t life on an island, and knowing how to collaborate with others will stand to you in your future career. So, be open minded when it comes to group projects! 

6.  Don’t look back in . you heard me say 


Each year of my undergrad tended to start the same. Full of motivation and throwing around the phrase ‘academic weapon’. Then a few weeks in and the motivation is halved. The decisions you make about your time in college are the hardest; go to the library or have a browse in town, study for the exam or go out with your friends. Find the right balance between making the most of your freedom and your degree. One thing is for sure, week 12 will always come and go, so don’t give up. It will all be worth it when you can stand on the quad on your graduation day!

Skills Centre

Q -1 (Q minus 1), Boole Library,
