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Past Seminars and Events

SIREN Seminar in Cavan Hospital: Urgent and Emergency Care in Ireland

22 Sep 2017



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SIREN Dissemination Event

‘Urgent and Emergency Care in Ireland:

Where are we now and where are we going?’


  Speaker: Professor John Browne

SIREN Principal Investigator from the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCC 


Conference Room, Cavan Hospital, Lisdaran, Cavan.

@ 12:30 - 2:00pm FRIDAY, 22nd September 2017


All healthcare professionals and providers are welcome to attend!

Tea/Coffee and sandwiches on arrival from 12 noon.


This seminar is a FREE dissemination event for the Study of the Impact of Reconfiguration on Emergency and urgent care Networks (SIREN).

SIREN is a four year programme of research funded by the Health Research Board (HRB). The aim of the project is to describe and evaluate the development and performance of different emergency and urgent care systems in Ireland.

The aim of this presentation is to disseminate the main findings from our research at both regional and county level and to hear the views expressed by the key stakeholders. Stakeholders include nurses, clinicians, service providers.


The agenda document is available for download here: Cavan Hospital Event


Organised by: Claire Collins, SIREN Research Assistant (021) 420 5516,




School of Public Health, University College Cork, 4th Floor Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Cork
