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GLACIATION Project Bridges Privacy and AI for Common Good

21 Mar 2024

UCC recently hosted the highly anticipated GLACIATION project event. This hybrid gathering united experts, researchers, and industry leaders from across Europe to explore the intricate relationship between advancing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and safeguarding personal privacy. 

The conference titled “Harmonising Privacy and AI across the Cloud-Edge Continuum,” served as a forum for critical dialogues on the ever-evolving landscape of AI ethics and privacy standards.

As a pioneering project, GLACIATION has been instrumental in developing a ground-breaking metadata fabric spanning the edge-core-cloud architecture. Through the strategic use of AI-driven optimisation techniques, GLACIATION aims to minimise environmental impact while ensuring strict adherence to privacy regulations. By strategically locating analytics, the project aims to significantly reduce carbon emissions associated with data operations, while simultaneously enhancing data privacy.

The conference, chaired by Prof. Ken Brown of the Insight SFI Centre for Data Analytics, also showcased the GLACIATION project's strategic initiatives in integrating AI with privacy concerns, highlighting its commitment to ethical AI applications. Attendees gained insights into the project's innovative approaches to intelligent data routing and the development of an advanced metadata fabric. Discussions on-site and online revolved around the project's efforts to champion data sovereignty and enforce stringent ethical standards in AI, positioning GLACIATION as a leading voice in the discourse on privacy in the digital age.

Speaking at the event, Ms Roberta Lotti, Italian Ministry's Innovation Manager & GLACIATION Coordinator discussed the importance of an ‘Artificial Intelligence-enabled’ approach in the public sector. She believes that the public sector and public administration can leverage AI-driven optimisation of data movement and operations for better services and a better quality of life for citizens.

Prof. Barry O’Sullivan, UCC and the Insight SFI Centre for Data Analytics provided a complex picture of AI policy, its integration into society and AI development in the last years and the ways forward. The making of the first comprehensive set of laws on AI, the AIAct, of Europe, will provide frameworks for applications but also honour European fundamental rights.

Mr Bob Savage, Dell Technologies’ VP Regional CIO for EMEA shared industry views on AI saying “it is central to everything we do at Dell.” His company leverages AI to satisfy customers' satisfaction and push internal productivity while enhancing manufacturing processes as a daily practice. “We up-skill [AI skills] our staff every day,” Mr Savage said.

Prof Pierangela Samarati, a leading voice in privacy in the increasingly digital world examined privacy with GLACIATION, noting that data protection has challenges including requirements capture; policies; techniques and mechanisms for enforcing data protection. AI and privacy need strong considerations at all stages from modelling to applications.

A panel of industry experts and researchers discussed a series of tough questions about the nature of AI key techniques to keep and provide real information. The experts also shared their views on how GenAI is treating privacy and data when users are uploading to models. There is a lot to learn before using AI tools, not just about AI but whole ecosystems of AI such as platforms, data, possible bias in data, and security.

GLACIATION Technical Coordinator Aidan O'Mahony, Dell concluded the event with a summary of the highlights and important points raised by the speakers and the panel.

The hybrid nature of the event, which allowed for in-person and virtual participation, ensured accessibility for attendees worldwide. This inclusive approach facilitated vibrant discussions and collaborations, further enriching the discourse on AI ethics and privacy.

Participants left with a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in harmonising privacy and AI. With the momentum gained from this event, the collective efforts of stakeholders will continue to shape the ethical landscape of AI applications, ensuring a future where technological advancements are balanced with respect for individual privacy rights.

College of Science, Engineering and Food Science

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