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News 2022

IEEE Outstanding Young Engineer Award for Professor Dimitra Psychogiou

20 Dec 2022

Congratulations to Professor Dimitra Psychogiou, UCC Engineering and Architecture/Tyndall National Institute who will receive the 2023 Outstanding Young Engineer Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S). 

Professor Psychogiou will receive the award for Outstanding Early Career Achievements in the Development of 3D and Planar RF Filtering Devices with Multi-Configurable and Multi-Functional Capabilities and Exemplary Service to the Society.

The award will be conferred at the annual Society Awards to be held during the International Microwave Symposium the week of 11-16 June 2023 in San Diego, California.

Professor Psychogiou is a global expert in RF front-end technologies is a Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the School of Engineering and Architecture. She is Head of Group for Advanced Radio Frequency (RF) Technologies at the Tyndall National Institute.

Her research focuses on the fundamental science and applications of microwave and millimeter wave RF front-end components, RF co-design methods for multi-functional RF components, filter synthesis techniques, broadband antenna arrays and low-cost integration methods for wireless, space and defense communication systems.

IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional organisation dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society focuses on microwave theory, techniques, and applications of RF, microwave, guided wave, and wireless technologies as they relate to components, devices, circuits, transmission lines, and systems. This includes topics such as active devices and circuits and passive components. Also covered are measurement techniques and complementary computer-aided design. The Society sponsors the annual International Microwave Symposium.


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