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News 2019

SEFS Students' Awards Ceremony

12 Apr 2019



42 students received awards at the College of Science, Engineering & Food Science (SEFS) Awards Ceremony in March 2019.  

Dean of Graduate Studies, Doctor Ruth Ramsey, commended all the scholarship students and graduates and presented the awards to all, including the SEFS Graduate of the Year 2018, Michael Vaughan, and the Runner-Up, Lauren Quinlivan. In making these two awards, the academic achievements, as well as the recipients’ “full participation” in UCC life, were considered.


     (L-R Lauren Quinlivan and Doctor Ruth Ramsey)



     (L-R Michael Vaughan and Doctor Ruth Ramsey)


The awards ceremony celebrated the SEFS Quercus Taught Masters academic scholarships, Undergraduate Quercus Scholars, SEFS Graduate of the Year and runner up and finally the SEFS postgraduate publication of the year recipients. 

The Publication of the Year award was a new introduction this year. 

The College of SEFS Postgraduate Research Publication of the Year Prize is awarded to the best peer-reviewed academic papers submitted by a registered PhD or MSc (research) student in a department/school or a research institute affiliated with the College of SEFS.

Each department/school affiliated with the College of SEFS conducted an internal competition and selected the best peer-reviewed academic paper within the discipline, which was then be put forward for the College of SEFS Postgraduate Research Publication of the Year Prize.

College of Science, Engineering and Food Science

Coláiste na hEolaíochta, na hInnealtóireachta agus na hEolaíochta Bia

Block E, Level 3, Food Science Building, UCC, Cork, T12 YN60.
