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News 2016

Dr Tom Reed - UCC Early Stage Researcher of the Year

7 Oct 2016
Dr Tom Reed is presented with the UCC Early Stage Researcher Award by UCC President Dr Michael Murphy.

The School of BEES lecturer has been honoured in the UCC Staff Recognition Awards 2016

Last night, Thursday 6th October, at a ceremony in the Aula Maxima, UCC honoured a number of staff members for their outstanding contributions to University life. The Awards Ceremony combined presentations and accolades to winners from three separate award schemes: Teaching & Learning; Staff Recognition; and Research. 

Dr Tom Reed, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences was awarded the 2016 Early Stage Researcher of the Year by UCC President Dr Michael Murphy.

Writing about his research interests, Dr Reed says: "I am an evolutionary ecologist interested in how organisms adapt and respond to environments that are highly variable across space and time, and heavily influenced by humans. My work applies a range of approaches (field and lab-based experiments, statistical analysis of longitudinal data, quantitative and molecular genetics, simulation modelling) to understand how ecological and evolutionary processes interactively shape life histories and the dynamics of genes, phenotypes and individuals. I work mainly with fish (Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon and trout) and birds (woodland songbirds and seabirds) in Ireland and abroad."

The Research Awards were kindly sponsored by Gilead Sciences Ireland and this year UCC acknowledged excellence in research activity across six categories: Early Stage Researcher of the Year, Research Supervisor of the Year, Research Support Person of the Year, Research Team of the Year and Career Achievement.

College of Science, Engineering and Food Science

Coláiste na hEolaíochta, na hInnealtóireachta agus na hEolaíochta Bia

Block E, Level 3, Food Science Building, UCC, Cork, T12 YN60.
