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News and Events

SCENARIO supports TransFairTheater Project

5 Nov 2018
TransFairTheater Project


Please note SCENARIO's recent association with the TransFairTheater Project Team. 

The TransFairTheater Project is supported by various institutions in Lower Saxony, including the Ministry of Education, and offers special training courses for teachers of German as a Foreign/Second Language - for further details see Flyer. 

For more on this story contact:


kvhs Ammerland gGmbH
Dirk Weißer
Am Röttgen 60
26655 Westerstede
Telefon: 04488 56-5161
E-Mail: d.weisser@ammerland.de www.vhs.link/TransFairTheater


Landesverband Theaterpädagogik Niedersachsen e.V. (LaT) Andreas Bentrup
Telefon: 0175 4178072

E-Mail: kontakt@lat-niedersachsen.de


Landesverband der Volkshochschulen Niedersachsens e. V.
Svenia Knüttel
E-Mail: knuettel@vhs-nds.de

Kooperationspartner für die Entwicklung einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie:
Agentur für Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung (AEWB)

Katharina Schepker
E-Mail: schepker@aewb-nds.de


Department of German & Department of Theatre – University College Cork

Scenario Editorial Office, Department of German, Alfred O'Rahilly Building, Main Campus, University College Cork,
