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Drama in Education Conference - Austria - 12-17 April 2019 - FOCUS ON EUROPE

7 Jan 2019
Drama in Education Conference - AUSTRIA - 12 - 17 April 2019

At the Conference Drama in Education 2019 various aspects of and artistic approaches to European Identity will be up for discussion, viewed both from the inside and the distance. In these four and a half days workshop leaders and participants will explore diverging perceptions on Europe including critical voices. And maybe it works to contribute with theatrical instruments to shape a Europe in which we love to live in.

EXPLAIN EUROPE – EUROPE, EXPLAIN !European Identity in Arts!

When we think of Europe, words like bureaucracy, BREXIT or Brussels headquarters come to our mind. Since centuries was the dream of every European: the openness, diversity and freedom of our continent, which appears nowhere better than in the arts itself. Let us think of Europe and the Arts, let us appreciate Cervantes & Moliere, Shakespeare, Goethe, Chopin, Beethoven & Picasso, Van Gogh, Mozart, The Beatles & Rimini Project.

Europe is first of all an invention of artists like Franz Marc, who wrote: “One can feel an artistic tension across entire Europe, everywhere new artists wave to each other: a glance, a handshake is adequate to understand.“

Looked at from this perspective, art and culture have formed the old continent substantially. There are no borders for arts, it ́s cosmopolitan. Nowhere else it works better to overcome these – linguistic, political, cultural - limits than in mutual european arts ́projects. This is highly true for theatre.

In society as a whole we are facing an opposing trend. There are highly visible signs of regression into old patterns of nation-state behaviour, separation and erosion of solidarity. The question is, what cultural workers can do to counteract these tendencies.

For more on this story contact:



Department of German & Department of Theatre – University College Cork

Scenario Editorial Office, Department of German, Alfred O'Rahilly Building, Main Campus, University College Cork,
