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Workforce Planning and Safe Nurse Staffing Symposium

7 Dec 2020

Dr. Noeleen Brady successfully received a grant from the National University of Ireland to host a symposium on Workforce Planning for Safe Nurse Staffing.

This event was rescheduled due to the pandemic and will now be held on January 28th 2021.

This is a one-day symposium which will bring international and national experts together to discuss “The issue of workforce planning for safe nurse staffing”, identifying themes and the key components leading to the issue, and discussing ways of addressing safe nurse staffing. The symposium will consist of expert speakers, an open panel discussion and a poster session. Confirmed speakers include: Professor Linda Aiken, Professor Walter Sermeus, Dr. Chiara Dall’Ora, Professor Anne Scott, Mr Ray Healy, Ms Sinead Lardner and Professor Jonathan Drennan.

Please see the agenda for presentation details and registration is available here.

Enquiries can be addressed to

School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Group

Programme of Research into Safe Nurse Staffing and Skill-Mix
