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Consultancy Project of the Year

The Consultancy project of the Year Award recognises and celebrates UCC consultants who share their knowledge and expertise to help solve real-world problems and create social, cultural or economic impact. Judging criteria will be based on consultancy undertakings that have tangibly delivered on the key pillars set out in the UCC Strategic Plan including Impact & engagement, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning, Personal & Professional Development.

Nominations will be submitted by UCC Innovation staff as per the eligibility criteria.

Nomination Procedure

  • Nominations for Innovation awards will be made by UCC Innovation staff as per the eligibility criteria. If you would like your innovation activity to be considered, please contact Rachel O' Leary, Director of Consulting at UCC.

Evaluation Criteria





  • Innovative or creative thinking.
  • Potential to make major technological progress and show a high degree of inventiveness.
  • Demonstration of technology application with strong commercial potential, rather than purely scientific or technological achievement.
  • Priorities are focussed on innovations that deliver commercial outcomes.
  • Active engagement with business and/or private investment to see research applied and taken to market.



  • Demonstrate achieved, or potential to achieve, economic, social or environmental impact of the innovation.
  • National and/or International recognition of excellence.

Evaluation Panel

  • Dr Sally Cudmore, Director of UCC Innovation
  • Michael Lucey - Patent Attorney and Director Purdy Lucey Intellectual Property
  • Dr Siobhán Jordan - Head of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation at Teagasc
  • Donal Daly - CEO Future Planet and UCC Entrepreneur-In-Residence

Previous Winners

Year Awardee College/School/Department/Centre
2023 Professor Louise Crowley School of Law
2022 Dr Marguerite Nyhan School of Engineering and Architecture
2021 Dr Karen Neville (COVID Response Team) Centre for Resilience and Business Continuity

Research & Innovation Awards

Gradaim Taighde agus Nuálaíocht

Office of Vice President for Research & Innovation 4th Floor Block E, Food Science Building UCC
