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SDGs by School / Centre

Researchers across the University were invited to attend 90-minute SDGs workshops to raise awareness about the SDGs and to involve researchers directly in the mapping process. A mapping form and case study template were developed to assist researchers in the mapping of their research to the 17 goals, and importantly the 169 detailed targets, to show at a deeper level the contribution of UCC Research to the SDGs. Those unable to attend the sessions were also invited to submit their data, with the aid of recorded videos. The results for each of our 27 Schools and a number of key Research Centres who took part in the process are shown below. The graphs reflect the data submitted by researchers who engaged in the process and are not wholly representative of the research in each area. 

Research and Innovation

Taighde agus Nuálaíocht

Office of Vice President for Research & Innovation, 4th Floor, Block E, Food Science Building University College Cork, T12 K8AF
