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A group of UCC staff and researchers

What are the SDGs?

UCC is the first University in Ireland to undertake a comprehensive mapping of its research to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as our researchers tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges.

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Sustainable Development Goals at UCC

We recognise the crucial role that university research plays in achieving the SDGs by 2030. As an internationally competitive, research-led university our researchers contribute to the growth of Ireland’s knowledge-based economy, developing the innovations and solutions needed to address urgent global sustainable development challenges.

The President's Award for Research Impacting the Sustainable Development Goals - 2022

Through this award, the President honours UCC researchers and/or research teams whose research drives the sustainability agenda and progresses UCC’s leadership in this space.

Our Contribution to the SDGs

UCC’s SDGs Publications 2018-2022

5,696 publications that contribute to the SDGs

45% of all UCC’s publications contribute to the SDGs

SDGs-related publications were cited 149,969 times

SDG 3, SDG 7, SDG 9, SDG 13 and SDG 16 are UCC’s top 5 SDGs for publications.

Average growth rate of 11% in number of UCC publications across all SDGs (vs 2017-2021)

UCC researchers published 1,303 publications in 2022 alone that contribute to the SDGs

Research and Innovation

Taighde agus Nuálaíocht

Office of Vice President for Research & Innovation, 4th Floor, Block E, Food Science Building University College Cork, T12 K8AF
