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Study of Religions Research Seminar Series - Dr Yael Dansac

26 Feb 2024
Dr Yael Dansac

Dr Yael Dansac: "(Re)Sacralizing Stones: Spiritual Engagements with Megaliths in Belgium"

Ethnographical studies increasingly show the conversion of megalithic sites into places used for a myriad of spiritual purposes, mostly associated to contemporary rituals that celebrate nature as a sentient being. Analyzing data recently gathered at Pagan practices held in Wéris, a Belgian megalithic site dating from the Neolithic period, this ethnography examines material evidence (offerings) and ritual interactions (ceremonies). This presentation provides understanding on the processes of sacralization of ancient spaces, while also suggesting further inquiries to assess the relationships between non-religious spiritualities, identity transformation, and the re-enchantment of nature.


 You are invited to the next lecture in the Study of Religions Research Seminar Series on Wednesday 28 February 2024 from 5-6pm on MS Teams:

Dr Yael Dansac is a French Mexican anthropologist specialized in contemporary spiritual practices. She has conducted ethnographic studies in Mexico, France, Belgium, and the United Kingdom. After obtaining her PhD at the EHESS in Paris, she joined the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Religions and Secularism (CIERL) of the Université Libre de Bruxelles as CIVIS3i-Marie Curie Fellow Researcher. Her current project, funded by the European Commission, explores Pagan rituality in Atlantic Europe.


Please contact Dr Yael Dansac at for the MS Teams link.

All are welcome. Open to the public.


Study of Religions Department

Staidéar Reiligiún

Room 2.22, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, T12 ND89
