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Dr. Aurangzeb Haneef's talk on Scriptural Interpretation: Islam and the Judeo-Christian traditions

15 Feb 2024
Dr. Aurangzeb Haneef

Dr. Aurangzeb Haneef, Assistant Professor in the Study of Religion, was invited by Dr. Amanullah De Sondy to speak to undergraduate students enrolled in, ‘One God: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,’ module on Thursday, 15th February 2024. The topic was “Scriptural Interpretation: Islam and the Judeo-Christian traditions.” Dr. Haneef spoke about various methods of Qurʾānic interpretation while elaborating its relationship with previous scriptures. He included a close reading of relevant passages from the Qurʾān and its exegesis which the students found very interesting, accessible, and helpful

Study of Religions Department

Staidéar Reiligiún

Room 2.22, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, T12 ND89
