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Pre-Recruitment Festival

4 Oct 2022
Pre-Recruitment Festival

UCC Career Services will host the biggest ever Recruitment event from the 4th to the 6th October 2022.  Taking a hybrid format for the first time, students will have the opportunity to engage and connect with over 135 employers over a three-day period.

Combining the attributes of a virtual and in-person jobs fair, our hybrid Recruitment Festival takes place in both a physical and digital setting actively increasing event attendance and efficiency and being an excellent option to target and engage students with an improved way for recruiters and candidates to interact.

A hybrid event is particularly important for smaller recruiting companies that are unable to source talent on a large scale in a physical environment. Furthermore, UCC students can now explore job offers, seek information about employers, interact with them in a secure digital scenario and submit CVs online to instantly become part of a powerful graduate talent pipeline.

A hybrid event also offers a closer alignment to UCC 2022, Pillar 3, Student Success, where we strengthen our offerings around an equitable experience for UCC students, (3.1.1) and to increase opportunities for face-to-face engagement (3.1.2).

After a period of remote and digital connections during and post Covid-19, the recruiters are excited to be back on UCC campus and are recruiting from all disciplines for a wide variety of sectors, such as accounting, banking, business, financial and professional services, computing, engineering, supply chain, FMCG, construction, architecture, legal, science, pharma, biotech and education.

Leas-Uachtarán agus Cláraitheoir/ Deputy President & Registrar

First Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC, T12 YN60
