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Opening of Exhibition, Entre Mundos/Between Worlds: Images of Life Between Mexico and Ireland With Her Excellency, Carolina Zaragoza Flores

23 Mar 2023
Image by Blanca Esthela Silva

On the evening of 23rd March, the office of the Deputy President and Registrar welcomed Her Excellency, Carolina Zaragoza Flores, Ambassador of Mexico in Ireland on her first visit to UCC since taking up her appointment.

In Cork to launch an exhibition of work by twelve Mexican photographers reflecting on their lived experience between worlds, the Ambassador spoke at length with UCC’s community of Mexican students and the assembled guests, including many of the photographers. Curated by Professor Nuala Finnegan, Cecilia Gámez, active member of the Mexican community in Cork, and Silvio Severino, Brazilian digital collage artist, the images are on display in the O’Rahilly Building. Some images are poignant, with snapshots of handprints held up to sunlight or footprints in sand reflecting the ways in which loss and sadness are part of migrant identity and lives lived far from home. But they are also playful with juxtapositions of typical Mexican objects, a doll in traditional dress from the State of Querétaro, or vividly painted faces in Day of the Dead makeup positioned in well-known Cork locations like St Finbarre’s Cathedral or UCC’s Quad. The exhibition is proud to include work from acclaimed photographer, Sidarta Corral, who sadly passed away in June 2020 and to whose memory it is dedicated. It is also pleased to showcase work by Amelia Morales, the youngest contributor, aged 4 at the time the photograph of her mother was taken.

The exhibition remains in the O’Rahilly Building, First Floor, Block B – don’t miss it!

Leas-Uachtarán agus Cláraitheoir/ Deputy President & Registrar

First Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC, T12 YN60
