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MicroCreds@ucc project launch

26 Apr 2022

MicroCreds@UCC was officially launched on Tuesday 26th April in the Dr Dora Allman Room. Prof Stephen Byrne, Deputy President and Registrar, welcomed everyone to the launch of the HCI Pillar 3 funded Multi-Campus MicroCreds project in UCC. UCC in conjunction with the IUA and the other six IUA universities have received €12.3 million in funding to support the national roll out of microcredentials.

Mags Arnold, Project Lead, welcomed everyone who attended, in particular Dr Sonja Vucen and Dr Eileen Hogan. Dr Vucen, MicroCreds Coordinator in Continuing Professional Development in Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Formulations. spoke of her experience working with industry to co-create a MicroCred. Dr Hogan spoke of her experience as MicroCreds Coordinator for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Awareness for Health, Social Care and Education Professionals and discussed the teaching and learning techniques employed in creating this MicoCred to achieve the best student experience.

A focused staff feedback session was also part of this launch to capture staff feedback for the next stage of the MicroCreds@UCC.

If you would like further information on MicroCreds or how to create one please contact Mags Arnold at or

Leas-Uachtarán agus Cláraitheoir/ Deputy President & Registrar

First Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC, T12 YN60
