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Disability Support Service Mentoring Programme awarded funding from Ability to Work Fund

11 Aug 2020
Linda Doran, Manager / Disability Officer, DSS; Shay Nolan, Careers Advisor, DSS; Brenda Nestor - Careers Advisor, DSS

The Disability Support Service (DSS) Mentoring Programme has been awarded funding as part of the Ability to Work Fund from RETHINK Ireland. 

This programme matches students registered with the DSS to a professional mentor for an academic year and provides students with a meaningful opportunity to develop their employability skills through regular meetings with their mentor in the workplace. The project also supports employers to develop a better understanding of disability issues. During the 2019/20 academic year, the programme ran 71 mentoring partnerships with 9 companies involved. 

Commenting on the announcement of today's awardees, Heather Humphreys, Minister for Social Protection and Community and Rural Development acknowledged the importance of the initiative.

"I am delighted that my Department is supporting The Ability to Work Fund. It is an important initiative which will provide a pathway and supports into work for people living with a disability and I congratulate the Awardees, Rethink Ireland and State Street on today’s announcement," she said.

For more on this story contact:

Dr. Sandra Irwin, Deputy President & Registrar's Office, 021 4904874 or 

Leas-Uachtarán agus Cláraitheoir/ Deputy President & Registrar

First Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC, T12 YN60
