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Santa's Magic Mask

25 Nov 2020
Santa's Magic Mask, written by Quercus Scholar, Anna O'Connor & illustrated by Danny Foley

Quercus Active Citizenship Scholar, Anna O'Connor, has written a book titled 'Santa's Magic Mask'. This book is intended to help ease the minds of small children, and some adults too, that Santa will be able to do his job as usual this year, despite Covid-19 restrictions. 

The story is laid out in rhyme with beautiful illustrations created by Anna's friend, Danny Foley. 

Well done Anna! You have put Elaine, Michèle and all the Quercus scholars' minds at rest that Santa will still be squeezing down our chimneys or through our keyholes this year, and just like all good boys and girls should be doing Santa will be wearing his mask!!   

Quercus Talented Students' Programme

G31, The Hub,
