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Ronan wins bronze at 2020 Senior European Rowing Championships

11 Oct 2020
From Left to Right: Daire Lynch & Quercus Sports' Scholar, Ronan Byrne

Quercus Sports' scholars, Aoife Casey, Ronan Byrne, Tara Hanlon, Emily Hegarty, Lydia Heaphy and Margaret Cremen were competing at the 2020 European Rowing Championships in Poznan over the weekend.




Aoife Casey and Margaret Cremen finished 2nd in the Lightweight Women's Double Schull B Final. Lydia Heaphy won the Lightweight Women's Single B Final. Tara Hanlon and Emily Hegarty finished 5th in the Women's Pair A Final. Ronan Byrne and his partner, Daire Lynch, won bronze in the Men's Double Schull A Final. 

Congratulations also to Aifric Keogh, Eimear Lambe, Aileen Crowley and Fiona Murtagh who won bronze in the Women's 4 A Final, Fintan McCarthy, who won bronze in the Lightweight Men's Single Schull A Final and, Sanita Puspure, who won gold in the Women's Single Schull A Final.

Heartiest congratulations to all but most especially to our Quercus scholars.

Please see Ronan's race here: Ronan's Bronze Medal Race

Quercus Talented Students' Programme

G31, The Hub,
